Would you say that poetry has gone out of style? The trends pass us by so quickly today and yet I still, somehow, have found poetry and continue to find it. I suppose poetry is something you never really have an absence of. It’s in everything and every moment, if you choose to look for it.
I have been intentional in my pursuit of poetry of late. I visited a used book store found some classics like The Bell Jar and The Tale of Two Cities, then I scoured the book store realizing I had never purposely searched for poetry in a book store before. I found a very small shelf dedicated to some different poetry works. I chose to pick up a couple, my favorite as of this moment is The Language of Life; A Festival of Poets by Bill Moyers. There are some truly touching pieces in this work, but also each section is an interview with the poet. So you get to know their vision and inspiration for their poems. Moyers questions in each interview shows his appreciation for the poetry and a respectful knowledge of the poet themselves, which I love.
Over the last few weeks I have found comfort in the words of others, while I struggle to get a handle on my own. I feel rather lost in the tides of myself lately. So, I have been reading a lot of poetry, more than I ever have. I plan to share different poems, revolving different topics from a range of different poets. I’ll still share works of my own but I want to explore the way in which poetry can bring our universal experiences and emotions to life.
I hope that in my effort to anchor myself, I can maybe be someone else’s lighthouse.
I appreciate you for your support, thank you for reading! Keep an eye out for my new series (:
There's a great resource called https://teachlivingpoets.com for any educators out there.
Looking forward to seeing your poems collection. :)